Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wedding Bells

We just returned from a very fun filled vacation.....lots of family, activities, food. Oh, and a wedding! Here are some pics of my youngest sister, Breanna, getting married. Of course she looked beautiful. And if you look close you can find the twin bridesmaids in the background. (I know. It's every brides dream ;)
So here are Bre and Skip right after they tied the knot. If it looks like Skip is half carrying Bre it's because he prolly is. She was wearing 5 inch purple stilettos. And that ground was not solid people!

Right before the wedding. Here is Breanna with the cutest flower girls you could ask for! Kendri and Brooklyn tossed the flower petals while Lexi and Abby held the train of the dress for the walk down the aisle.

And the wedding party in all our glory! Kyson was the ring bearer. Let's just say we're lucky the rings made it to their proper places. There was a bit of confusion when the pillow went soaring to the ground three feet to the left. After that I clutched the pillow and Kyson's hand and half dragged him down the aisle. (Don't worry.....I'm sure I still pulled off the elegant bridesmaid look ;)

But I must say his cuteness totally outweighs the fact that he would rather throw all those little rocks instead of delivering the symbolic tokens.

And our little prima donnas....Lexi, Abby, Brooky and Kendri. They entertained themselves by building "rock castles". I'm actually really surprised that they didn't ruin their dresses while they were waiting for all those pictures to finish. There was definitely ample opportunity for that!

And our little family dressed to the hilt! By this time we were lucky to even get the kids to look at the camera much less to smile. They were so done taking pictures but we managed one last one.

Overall, the wedding was a success and we had a great time participating! And PS, Welcome to the family Skip!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I'll show the new family member when he returns home.
