Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Busy Bees

Want to know what we've up to lately? Here's a list of my top 10 things that have occurred in the last few weeks. Good, bad, and ugly. No holding back people. So here goes, in no apparent order.........

1. I bought some double-stuffed oreos and hid them. Reason #1) If Kyson saw them he'd cry for them non-stop and drive me nuts and #2) If Ryan saw them he'd eat them all and drive me nuts! Therefore imagine my surprise when Lexi came home from school and said "Okay, where are the oreos?" I played dumb. "What oreos?" She came over to me and held up a little crumb - yes, a crumb!- and said, "See? Can I have one?" Nothing gets past that one!

2. Kyson woke up from his nap one afternoon and Kendri and I were giving him hugs and loves when I said, "Kendri, what would we do without our little Kyson?" She didn't even miss beat. She held up one finger like something had just dawned on her and said, "Get a GPS?"

3. Kyson loves it when we water the flowers in the backyard. Mmm hmmm. He likes to slurp up the little puddles on the patio.

4. Ryan was growing his Giant Pumpkin again (Notice the key word "was"). It got stolen last week and was found with the top cut off and lying in a neighbors yard. It was probably close to 70 lbs. I have my sources looking into it for me (meaning my 12 year old neighbor). Some punk kid is going to get it......

5. Lexi and Kendri like to play the "Honey" game. Basically there is a mom and then there is her child or "honey". They like to talk with fake accents and use words like "apparently" and "fantastic". And they only call each other "honey." It can be quite entertaining to hide around the corner and spy on them :)

6. Remember the "Bump-it's" present Lexi got me for my last birthday? Well, she's been begging me to let her wear them to 1st grade. Can you imagine what the teachers would think if I let her go to school with bump-it's??? (I can't risk it. They would want to borrow them........)

7. We checked "Puff the Magic Dragon" out at the library and I read it to Kendri. It made her cry. And then she asked me to read it to her again. She cried again. Three times I read it to her and 3 times she was in tears (nearly sobbing) asking why Jackie Paper had to leave and why he never came back. My explanations didn't help. Poor Kendri.

8. Kyson likes to wear princess crowns and bracelets pushed up to his biceps. Headbands too, if he can wrestle one away from his sisters. So manly. Don't worry he offsets it by waving his nerf gun around menacingly.

9. We were in the car coming home from soccer practice when Kendri announced she knew how to get her shoes clean. And then she proceeded to lick it. Yep. Licked it.

I guess I don't have a #10 so there you go! A little taste of what goes on around here.


  1. i love story #1 and do not like #4. your poor was getting sooo big.

  2. (Singing) Puff the Magic dragon lives by the sea, and frolics in the autumn mist in a Land called Honalee..... Aren't you impressed by my near perfect recall of a song I haven't heard in 25 years? Now if only I could remember the story.

  3. hilarious. love the oreos one for sure!!
