Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Random News

All three kids received awards at the end of the trimester this past week.  Whoo hoo! Way to go Reese kids! Lexi's was for straight A's and Kendri and Kyson both got the award for Outstanding Character.

I was able to go with Lexi on her first field trip.  We visited the assisted living residence.  We were assigned to the Alzheimer's ward.  We went and visited with the residents and got to know lots of people.  Lexi really enjoyed doing it and it brought back memories for me.  I used to love  going with my sister and best friend to deliver homemade Valentine cards to the nursing home in Lamar.

Shayli and her little friend Wren really have to find ways to occupy themselves during Kendri's soccer practice.  They usually cry to go to the park and then cry once they are there.  We try to find different ways to keep them happy for an hour. Who says a little lip gloss can't go a long way?  Pucker up!

Kyson brought this home from kindergarten and I love it!  That's all.

 Sometimes life gets boring while all the other kids are at school.  Shayli and I like to sneak and do fun things by ourselves!  Shhhh.

Lexi made the 5th/6th grade volleyball team!  It's over now, but her team played for third place.  They got 4th.  Oh well.  Lexi really liked playing and plans on playing again next year.  Now if we can just get her serves over......

She's also learning to play the violin for school.  So far it's a little more work than she bargained for but she's hanging in there!

 Kyson keeps bringing home these Star Certificates and I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little surprised the first time he pulled 3 out of his back pack.  He collects them.  Clearly my worries for a problematic year have been unfounded. In fact, he got rave reviews at Parent/teacher conference. Phew!

And lastly, I wanted to document Kyson's season with Little Giants. It ended in August but I'm a little behind. His team had a great season and Kyson really started whacking the ball far! (Kyson is the only one not wearing his hat.  See his little blonde head?)