Sunday, March 7, 2010

Kyson's New 'Do

Kyson just recieved his 2nd official haircut. His hair was getting quite long and raggedy. We finally decided it was time for another couple of snips. He has a "problem area" in the back of his hair (refer to photo below). It never lays down. It was to the point where it looked rather peacock-feather-like. I was hoping as it grew and got a bit heavier it might lay down a little better. No such luck.

This is right before the first cut. Did I mention I cut it? Well, I did. I decided I could do just as well as they did the last time. My "hairstylist" buzzed it. I can do that. But I didn't want to. Just a plain old buzz? Please. We're much more creative than that. ;) So my plan was to buzz the sides and then try to use the scissors on the top. I figured if it got, shall we say, "out of hand" I could always end up buzzing it.

So here we are. I bribed him with goldfish. I was hoping it would keep him still. It didn't work.

This is the final product. I went for the messy look. After all, I never claimed to be a professional. I think it's cute. I was actually feeling quite confident about my hair cutting skills until Sunday. When someone asked if I used the lawn shears on my baby. Lawn shears???? Please.
And may I point out this was a 2-day process. Kyson freaked out over the clippers AND scissors. He didn't want to let me near him. Just imagine Edward Scissorhands without any expertise. I was snipping as fast as I could without losing a finger. After that bit of info you may appreciate the final look :)

And last but not least, I couldn't resist putting a little video in of Kyson. He loves to ride the girl's scooter. Be forewarned......Kendri was holding the camera so it's a little wobbly. Oh, and disregard the "butt shot" at the end. Once I realized what was going on I made sure to stop the camera! Or feel free to enjoy it. Totally up to you.....

PS For the record, I have tried for 2 days to upload this'll just have to be happy with a link. Sorry.


  1. It looks to me like Kyson knows something the rest of us don't know (goldfish pic). What reeeeaaally happened haircut day?

  2. So Kyson's going to be a boarder (let his hair grow out!!) and Kendri's going to make documentaries. All right.

  3. his home-haircut looks MUCH better than the one i tried to give carson. i had to take him to the hair dresser to have them fix it, which means they basically shaved it... that is the nice thing about boy hair though, you can just buzz it and it's still ok.
