Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Good Woman

We just got back from Stake Conference. We had a very special conference due to a very special guest. Guess who came and spoke??? Elder Holland of the 12 apostles! Pretty cool, huh?

Ryan and I were able to go to the adult session last night (Saturday). We got a baby sitter and went down to Lodi to participate. What a great night! There were several speakers but my two favorite were the first and the last. The first speaker was from our ward and a personal friend who spoke about his conversion to the gospel. He's only been a member of our church for 6 months and he has asked to speak in Stake Conference with Elder Holland present. Yikes! Talk about pressure. And he's also shy. Guess he got over that fast! But he did a great job and it was really neat to hear his detailed road to conversion.

And obviously the last speaker was Elder Holland. He told us he had a whole talk prepared but was changing it all right then and there. And then he went on to talk about hard times. It seems especially useful and appropriate for us here in California! Here are some of my favorite thoughts from his talk.

1. The Lord loves broken things. For instance, fruit must be broken to get the seed. The seed must break open to grow. The ground must be broken for the seed to reach the sun. Application : When we have hardships and believe we are breaking we are really only growing. Believe in Christ. It's okay if our hearts break a little.

2. Don't plan on being a disciple of Christ unless you are willing to walk in his shoes. Walk how he walked, talk how he talked. The road to salvation leads through Gethesemane. Application: In order to be a true disciple of Christ, expect to have hardships. After all why, would the Savior be asked to suffer if we aren't?

3. When difficult times arise, ENDURE AND SAVE YOURSELF FOR DAYS OF HAPPINESS TO COME. Don't turn it into a pity party. We have had more good times than bad. (Elder Holland said he was just in Africa 2 week ago and obviously there is no comparing the circumstances)Count your blessings and show some strength. Because the road you say you can't walk you end up walking.

4. The sun (Son) is the morning star. And the sun will come up. Have faith. The Lord can fix broken things.

And last but definitely not least...

5. He looked right in my eyes and cupped my cheek and said, "You are a good woman." Quoted directly from the apostles lips as I shook his hand.

And I ask you, What more could I want from a Stake Conference?


  1. Cool. Are you sure he wasn't mistaking you for me? It happens you know:)

  2. Wow, Heather, that is neat!! Thanks for sharing. I agree with Elder Holland, you are awesome!!

  3. that's a great experience!! and you ARE a good woman! i'm so glad that we got to catch up at Amanda's wedding!!! it was so great seeing you and ryan. i'm posting a comment so now you can find me... i'm gonna email you too.

    now maybe we can keep in touch better...
