Monday, April 8, 2013

Teeth and T-ball

Kendri has been busy losing teeth!  Actually this happened last month.  She lost her first tooth...

And then the next day lost her second tooth!  Can't get much more exciting than that!  I dare-say she's catching up to Lexi....

 Kyson started his first year of t-ball.  He's thrilled to finally be playing something!  Although he is quite a bit smaller than most of the players......

His first game didn't go quite as planned.  After not getting the first couple of balls, Kyson proceeded to throw his hat on the ground and stomp around.  (Think major leagues when the ump and coach get into it and start throwing their little temper tantrums.)   And then he did it again and again.  Pretty much after each batter hit the ball and he didn't get it.  I, needless to say, was astounded.  But after thinking back to my early years of marriage I vaguely remembered threatening my own husband that if I ever saw him throw his hat on the ground during his softball games again, I would never watch another game of his.  Nor would his future children.  Genetic?  Seems strange....

But I'm happy to report that after a "stern-talking-to", Ryan Kyson came around.  The next game had no temper tantrums.   We actually have another game today.  Hopefully it goes well!

And as you can see, t-ball is tough!

1 comment:

  1. I love this picture of Kyson. He looks like a little angel.
