We had a great party and Lexi is lucky enough to have another tomorrow at Gammi's house. All of her Reese cousins will be there. Who could ask for more?
Some things about Lexi.......Right now Lexi is in Girl Scouts. She just had softball tryouts today. She is not sure she will like it but because she is already enrolled she's going to find out for sure! (Meaning the next few months could be "fun"!) She is very social and loves to play with her friends. She is an awesome big sister......she is always willing to help Kyson and always includes Kendri when she has friends over. Lexi loves to read and play "school". She is very concientious of pleasing others. She really, really wants her ears pierced and does not feel that showers are completely necessary. She will do anything I ask her to do but also has a bit of stubborness to her. We love her and the dyanmics she brings to our family! Happy Birthday Lexi!
Happy Birthday Lexi!! We love the turtle cake!