Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kyson's Experiments

Do you want to know what Kyson has been up to since I was in Seattle? Experimenting with our plumbing. Here is a run-down of what he has flushed down the toilet in the last 2 weeks.

1. a stick of chapstick

2. Lexi's Littlest Pet Shop, the Ostrich

3. His beloved binky (And yes, there were tears when the realization of what he'd done hit. But now the mangled binky rests in peace and Kyson is learning to sleep completely without it.)

And I think this has suffered the same fate, but am not yet sure.......

4. His Sunday tie. (Is that even possible???? I'm not sure, but I'm starting to think it is.)

The reason I think it went down the drain is because he had 2 ties out on Sunday trying to decide which one he wanted to wear. (The above picture is the missing tie. And, no it is not actually that long. It was a bad tying job on my part, but I left it on anyway :) Anyway, Kyson came to me with a pitiful expression on his face (something similar to I-Don't-Know-How-This-Possibly-Could-Have-Happened......But-It-Did) and presented me with one of his ties, dripping wet. And then he told me he "flushed". I ran to the toilet and indeed it had just been flushed. However, I thought we got lucky and the tie just didn't make down the drain. I still thought the other tie was downstairs. Now, 6 days later I'm not so sure. I still haven't found the tie and we've been cleaning out closets and corners and nothing has turned up. I wouldn't have thought it possible......
So in essence, I'm waiting for the back-up at anytime.


  1. It's true. Kyson told Auntie "Amer" what had happened. FLUSH. It can't get more clear than that.

  2. maybe you should get some of those latches that keep the seats down? i can't even remember what the other tie i made him looked like. was it the red/white/blue striped one??
