There was a parade before the big game. Lexi's team name is the "Bats" so all the kids rode on the float with bat wings. Kendri is not on the team but we know the coach so her and her little friend Logan rode with their older siblings. (Evan, Lexi, Logan, and Kendri)
My little bat.
Now let's get down to's Lexi hitting a homerun. Okay. So maybe it was just a base hit but still. Whoohooo! Actually, she only got on base once. The other two times she hit the ball to the pitcher and since the other team could actually catch a ball the first basemen got her out. She was not very happy about that. Oh well.
She did have a very good play at shortstop. The ball came pretty hard (I mean, for T-ball that is). Anyway she got her glove down and missed it and I was sure that was the end of it but she actually closed her legs and managed to stop it. Then she threw it to 1st base. She didn't get the runner out but she was thrilled to have gotten the ball! Who am I kidding? I was thrilled for her! However, she was complaining today that the top of her foot was hurting. I'm pretty sure it's from the baseball hitting her foot. I'm hoping she likes the sport because we have T-ball 3 times a week for the next two months! We'll see how it goes.....
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