Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Grandma and Pa's Visit!

Grandma and Pa came out for a visit few weeks ago.  What did we do you ask?  Ate ice cream.  Several times.  And as you can see from the photo, Shayli enjoyed a dip cone.  On more than one occasion. My dad is somewhat of an ice cream connoisseur.  He's bestowed his wisdom on more than just his children.......

Dairy Queen has been a favorite of his for as long as I can remember and whenever there is one close by it requires our attention.
We also took a day to head to the city! Too bad for Lexi and Kendri......school started so they were hitting the books while we were riding the trolley.  We managed to hit most of the hot spots in downtown San Francisco before heading back to pick the girls up from school.  We started the day early and headed to the Bart station. The bart took us straight into SF where we then attempted to gather our whereabouts.  Luckily there was some nice man who pointed us in the right direction and also showed us the way of the locals. For a fee, of course. (No standing in the huge line for the trolley for us - we headed straight for the next line which was considerably shorter and supposedly a hot secret! Probably not.  But we aren't complaining. We gave the man a couple of dollars and called him "helpful".)

And if you know my dad, you also know he loves a cream puff!  (Are you starting to see where my sweet tooth comes from?) We could not go to San Francisco, be dropped off RIGHT by a pastry shop that specializes in cream puffs and not try them. T'would have been sinful to pass them up.

They were delicious and tasted very close to our own homemade ones.  Should I open a shop, perhaps?

And I can't believe there is another picture of us eating ice cream.  Seriously. Ahem.  I almost deleted it because now it's just getting embarrassing.  The one saving grace is that this is all over the course of a week and not one day.  Except for the cream puffs and sundae you see right below. He, he. We burned it off with all our walking. I'm sure of it. ;)  Anyhoo, here we are at the Ghiradelli chocolate square.  Can't go there and not try something.  T'is the curse of a true ice cream connoisseur.

And here we are at the end of the day.  The walking got the best of us by the time our day was over.  We took a cab.

Good-bye Grandma and Pa!  Until next time!

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