Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Kyson turns 4!

I can hardly blieve my little Kyson is 4 and will be starting preschool next year!  Where does the time go?? (I say that now, but I was just discussing the woes of 2 car payments with Ryan and 2 more years of that seems like an eternity!)

Obviously, we had a Spiderman theme.  I can't say this is the most ingenius cake ever - I was definitely on a time constraint with this one.  I was at church in meetings from 8:30 til 3:00 and dinner was at 4:45.  But Kyson was thrilled so that's all that matters!

We invited some family friends over for birthday cake as well as Gammi and Pa. (We missed you Gammi....darn that flu bug!) 

And I'm pretty sure Kyson was not the only one blowing out candles here!

As a 4 year old Kyson is still a little ornery.  He loves stirring up the pot and bugging his sisters.  However, he loves those girls to death.  He always wants to sleep in their beds and I often find him curled up next to them in the middle of the night.  He loves playing Pokemon cards and Lexi and Kendri are very sweet to him and let him win (and then they give him some of their cards to add to his collection!). He sleeps with his "chicky" and his Pokemon cards and he is currently sleeping with about 25 silly bands on his wrist.  He still climbs fences and he has just picked up the skill of doing tricks while riding the neighbors electric scooter.  Which is much too big for him.  In fact he's crashed twice but it hasn't really fazed him - even when he almost knocked out his front tooth!  He likes his hair to "be like Malfoy's".(Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter)  Meaning plastered to his head and pushed over just a bit.  I hate it and try to make him "cool" but he won't have any of it.  (I must say, I'm getting a little weary of all these opinions!)  Kyson still gives the best hugs and kisses and loves to get "spankings" from Gammi.  He is a joy to be around and has the best personality.  I love his little voice and the way he talks - it's just so cute.  We love Kyson!

1 comment:

  1. what a silly boy. carson very opinionated about his hair too. NOT SPIKEY! it has to be combed over to the side. he gets very angry whenever i try to mix it up a little.

    anna couldn't care less...

    these reese boys are high maintenance!
