Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sand, Sand and More Sand


 A few more pictures to finish off our beach vacation....matching swimsuits are a must!

Kendri with her cousin Rachel headed to the water

Lexi and Kendri really got into boogie-boarding this year.  They did a great job and caught some waves!
Lexi and her cousin Anna

Digging a pit
 Apparently the kids dug the huge pit you see above.  A wave came crashing into it and actually lifted Kendri up and tossed her around a bit!  I didn't get to see it, but it sounds like I missed out on quite the show!
Kyson snoozing
 Kyson wore himself out.  He came down with a bug while we were at the beach.  He crashed on the sand for 3 hours!

Building castles

 And you can't go to the beach without burying yourself!

And of course, what's a beach trip without a group picture of crying children?

There were moments of cooperation.....

The final product!  Unfortunately, Kyson's head is cut off in all of my group photos. I think someone somewhere may have a good one of everyone.  Maybe. ;)

Brr!  It was a wee bit chilly in the morning.  But overall, it was a successful trip!  Thanks, Newport!

1 comment:

  1. Looks fun! I mean not quite the same as swimming with Asian Carp in the Illinois, but fun.
