Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pierced Ears!

The day has finally come....Lexi gets to wear earrings! And let me tell you, it couldn't come soon enough for particular little lady.
She told me she had thought about it, and she did NOT want to hold my hand while she was getting her ears pierced. She wanted to do it by herself. Lexi changed her mind right before they pierced them, so I did hold her hand. But she was a champ. She didn't even flinch! (Notice the concerned looks of her siblings? Or perhaps "horrified" is a better word. They were extremely interested in what was going on!)
And DONE! This was about a month ago and so far things are going good. She's taking care of them on her own and they feel pretty good. Two more months to go!


  1. Where was I when this happened? How did I not KNOW about this? A MONTH ago? Seriously? I thought we were twins or something.
