Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Happy Easter - Part 2

And so the fun continues.....Easter morning we were up bright and early. And when I say early, I mean early. Kendri came into our room at 4:00 in the morning wondering if the Easter Bunny had come yet. I told her she had to go back to bed until 6:30. I think she only heard the "30" part, because guess who came back at 4:30? And then again at 5:30? Sheesh. This mama needs some sleep. Between Shayli waking up 3 times a night and Kendri/Kyson/and sometimes-Lexi-but-not-usually, I should be getting paid graveyard hours. And overtime. And we might as well throw in holiday wages while we're at it. (Ryan? You owe me big, fat check! He, he!;))
We had some time to kill after church. So we decided to start taking Easter pictures. Kyson certainly loves his little sister!
Sew, are these the cutest skirts or what? I was sew excited for them to wear them. It was a little challenging to get all of them matching, but SEW what?!? Okay, I'll stop being "sew" clever....;) Okay, okay. I'll tell you. It was my first big sewing project. And I finished them without throwing anything out the window (sewing machine/skirts/bow tie). Which is actually a huge accomplishment because there were certainly those moments!
And here we all are in our Easter finery. Happy Easter!