Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Shayli's First...ahem....Haircut

Unintentionally, that is.
I love this picture of Shayli. She has her feet up and is just kickin' it. Laid back and cool. But what isn't cool is the day we had last week. Which brings us back to the topic at hand. It began well enough (I think). But days have a way of crashing down around you right about, oh, 4 or 5 o'clock. The type of day where dinner isn't ready yet and all of sudden every human being in your home turns into some outer space alien who has to EAT-RIGHT-NOW or possibly suffer excruciating pain and perhaps even.....death. Or so they say.
Well, that's the point we hit last week and I was desperately trying to finish dinner in a timely manner which is tricky when you are being interrupted every two seconds to toss out threats to the little villians who are trying to sneak snacks right before dinner and at the same time balance a 7 month old on your hip while making dinner as fast as you can with one hand.
And not cut off any extremeties in the process.
Unfortunately, Kyson didn't take a nap earlier in the day and was in the act of cuddling up with his pillow and blankie which is a complete no-no at 5:30. (Mainly because I don't want to be awakened at 4:30 in the morning to chat about nothing because Kyson isn't tired anymore.) So I was busy calling out to Kyson to WAKE UP and bouncing Shayli and breaking up the fights between my "perfect" children when I realized that I had to put Shayli down for a minute or else dinner would never be done. So I did. And she cried. Loud. And wouldn't stop.
At this point, I had stopped caring. She wasn't going to die because she had to sit on the floor for 5 minutes. But my kids thought she might. So it was Kendri to the rescue. She bustled right on over to pick her up. And as she was bending down she opened her mouth. And out fell the gum she was happily chomping on. Right into the thickest patch of Shayli's hair. Oops. I gave a little tug to see if it was really going to stick to her silky little locks. Not only was it going to stick, but I had inadvertenly mushed it in deeper. Like down to the scalp. Double-oops. So I did the only thing I could in a sticky situation such as this. Grabbed the scissors and snipped. I didn't even think twice. Good-bye old man comb over. Actually, only part of the old man comb over is gone. I saved what I could, because who wouldn't?? And here is the proof of Shayli's first haircut. And because her hair is so uneven already, you can't really tell any difference!
And PS, my children did survive the evening. Or should I say, I survived the evening? ;)

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