Monday, May 16, 2011

Let Freedom Ring

A few weeks ago as I was getting ready for church I glanced out the window and noticed the sprinklers were going off for the first time this year. Oh good, I thought. The sprinklers are actually working so far. (We have chronic problems with our sprinklers. Usually they spaz out in the middle of July while we are on vacation so we can come home to crispy weeds.) Two seconds after this thought crossed my mind, a second thought emerged. Followed by a third and fourth. Kyson loves water. And Kyson was dressed in his Sunday best. And Kyson can open the sliding glass door. Even when it's locked.

I wasted no time "sprinting" down the stairs. Sure enough, I saw him outside standing by the edge of the lawn. Phew. I made it just in the nick of time. Or so I thought.

He was already soaked.

Grumbling, I stripped him of everything but his diaper and threw the clothes in the dryer. Luckily, we had enough time to dry them. I went back upstairs to finish getting ready. Five minutes later, Lexi burst into the bathroom.

"Kyson is outside getting wet again!"

I followed her down the stairs and out the door. And yes, there he was. Stark neked. Huddled in the corner whispering gleefully, "Cooooold."

I was just glad he was thrifty enough to take his clean diaper off before running free! My good little wild man :).


  1. Thank goodness Jace hasn't figured out how to unlock doors yet. He has, however figured out how to open doors - like bathroom doors. And where there is water Jace will play. Yes, I'm talking about toilets.

  2. What a cute little stinker! We had an issue with Blake going out back without telling us so I found an extra security lock online. I'll try to remember the website but it's basically a piece of plastic that you attach to the top if the non-sliding door and flip down to lock. Very handy. :)
