Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bike Rides

It is official. Kyson can now ride his bike! (with training wheels, of course). He got the bike for Christmas, but his little legs were too short. (Definitely from his father. Because Lexi and Kendri have never had that problem!)

I've been taking him outside to play this week and naturally he wants to do what his sisters are doing. So we've been teaching him how to ride! I was pretty impressed with how fast he picked it up. By the end of the week I was running after him. (Well. "Running" is perhaps a little generous at this point. It would be a more accurate description to say "jogging" or perhaps"hobbling". ) We went for our first official bike ride a few days ago. We went all over the neighborhood and he did great! By the time we hit the home stretch though, he couldn't go any further. His poor little "bum" had had it. He kept trying to get back on his bike and pedal but as soon as he'd start he'd scoot off the seat and say, "Bum. Hurt." Needless to say we walked the last block home! Way to go, Kyson!