Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Has This Ever Happened To You?

WARNING ! ! ! ! WARNING ! ! ! ! WARNING ! ! ! ! WARNING ! ! ! !

I'm about to admit to faulty parenting. But I must add a disclaimer......It could happen to anyone. (Just makes me feel better.)

So.....Ryan and I were in the kitchen while Lexi and Kyson were in the backyard playing. They had been playing back there for probably about 20 minutes. We were sitting at the kitchen table which is right by the sliding glass door so we could see them when they were on the patio. Pretty soon we heard them playing in the sideyard. We'd see them every now and again.

We saw Kyson playing golf. He was walking around hitting golf balls.

Kendri came into the kitchen and asked if we could go on a walk. Sure. So Ryan and I went upstairs to get shoes. All of sudden we hear someone knocking on our door. I look at Ryan. Who's at our house? We weren't expecting anyone and we don't usually get unexpected visitors.

So I look out the window and see a firetruck.

"Ryan! What is the fire department doing at our house!"

Ryan ran downstairs to open the door and this is what I hear.....

"Is this your kid?"

Now I'm really confused. My kid? I know where all my kids are..... right? But then Ryan answers with, "Yes. Where was he?"

Kyson? And did he just answer with, "Where was he?" Brilliant. Let them think we had no idea where our 16 month old was. (Which I guess is sort of accurate considering I thought he was in the backyard when obviously he wasn't.) I made a quick decision. I would stay upstairs and hide so the fire department would think mommy was out of the house and daddy was babysitting.

The firemen told Ryan they had found Kyson playing in the street in front of our house. Lexi had accidentally left the gate open and he certainly noticed. I can't believe the timing. He couldn't have been out front for more than a few minutes. But thankfully they found him and not some psycho-path. We felt like horrible parents. But now it's been a few weeks and we can look back on it and laugh. Amazing what time can do!


  1. what a story! totally blog worthy...

  2. How crazy. It can totally happen to anyone! I worry about roads all the time. My children are not very street smart.
