Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Chompin' at the Bit

Kyson has been teething. Or he has a cold. Maybe both. You know the drill..... snotty noses, poor sleeping habits, crankiness. Hard to tell which one it is. Which means I've been listening to him whine for a week.
(I suppose I should add that I did get a break over the weekend while he was at Gammie's house. But he probably didn't whine for her. He saves all his whining for his mommy.) And it doesn't help that I've been trying to break him of his first love.

His binky.

Poor baby doesn't know what to do without it. But I cheat, cheat, cheat. I let him have it at naptime and bedtime. And when I can't take the whining anymore. Baby steps, people.

Anyhoo, I'm wondering how long it could possibly take for one tooth to come in. Because I'm pretty sure Kyson has been teething for a year. Seriously. He only has 3 teeth. And one almost poking through but at the rate we're going it could be another year. And he is 16 months old. I bet your babies have a full set of chompers by then, huh? I saw his first tooth coming in for probably 2 months before it actually broke through. Perhaps I'm partially senile in my thirties but I don't remember it taking so long for my other kids. Hmmmm. Senile at thirty. Maybe.

On an unrelated topic, Kendri's catch-phrase for the week is.........

"I'm not affiliated with you!"

Usually shouted after someone has made her angry. I like to think it will impress the nosey people who are eavedropping. But more likely it will result in a 911 call.

1 comment:

  1. anna didn't even get her FIRST tooth until she was 1 year old...

    kendri - where did she get that phrase?! what a crack up!
