Sunday, May 16, 2010

Frog Jump

This weekend we headed up to Angel's Camp for the annual Frog Jump. It's the county fair and, yes, they do have frog jumping contests. We watched those for a little while and I must say those frogs are BIG. I don't think I care to touch, here are Lexi and Kendri on their first ride of the day. Our ward did a service project for the fairgrounds last weekend and as a result we were able to get in for free! Whoohooo!
We couldn't leave without a little bit of face painting. Lexi's was a humming bird and Kendri had a butterfly mask. As you can see, Kyson was enamored by the face paint :)

And we also needed a little sustenance after riding all those rides.....Who can say no to nice deep fried funnel cake??? (Actually the girls are eating ice cream. I saved the funnel cake for myself)

The weather was really nice.....not too hot, not too cold. We went with Gammi and Pa and the girls managed to poop them out before we went for round two on the rides. We also watched a puppet show which Kyson really liked. Pinochio even came out to say hello and pat our backs. And what did Ryan and I do, you ask? Well, I didn't do anything but keep track of kids but Ryan climbed the "Rock Wall of Money". Okay, I don't really know what they called it but it was one of those rock climbing walls and at the top there was money clipped on. If you could get the money you got to keep it. I don't need to tell you that obviously it's nigh near impossible or else they wouldn't put any money up there. Well, Ryan tried it and didn't quite make it but he did make a good show when his legs started shaking! Talk about some moves......And a good time!

1 comment:

  1. We got cotton candy at our carnival and it kinda tasted like the plastic bag it came in. I was disappointed to say the least. I also had a carni totally rip me off at the ring toss. (The only reason we were at the ring toss was because Auntie June gave the girls a couple of bucks.) Anyway - we loved our carnival too!
