Friday, February 12, 2010

Class Party

We had Lexi's class party today for Valentine's Day. And because I am the room mom (to be honest, I only do half the work. Another parent is room mom with me. So technically I am the "half-room-mom"). Anyway, we had the kids collect kleenex boxes so we could make Valentine mail boxes with them. We lucked out and barely collected enough boxes. We only started collecting 2 1/2 weeks ago. Good thing it's cold season! Here are Lexi and Kendri organizing their decorations. (If they still look a little droopy, it's because they are. The whole kindergarten class has been sick.)

And the finished products......
The kids all had a lot of fun. They think their room moms are totally cool. I think we are too. I mean who wouldn't????

Kendri got lucky because a lot of the kids had extra valentine's that they shared with her. She loves going with Lexi to school.

And because it was a party, I decided I'd bring cupcakes for Lexi's school party. You know the old phrase, "Kill 2 birds with 1 stone"? Well, her birthday is on President's Day. Which means there's no school so I made the party goodies into Lexi's b-day goodies. Aren't I so smart? Don't answer that. (If I was so smart I would've realized I have strep two days ago instead of suffering through it. I actually haven't been to the doctor yet so I can't really be certain. Tomorrow is my appointment. All I know is that at this point, it may actually be less painful to just carve my throat out with a dull stick......Okay, I should go to bed before I scare you with anymore crazy talk. Because I could go on. I could.) Anyway, the party was a hit. We have Lexi's birthday party tomorrow. For those of you who think I'm going to contaminate your kids, I won't. Promise. I disinfected my house today and I'll make Ryan handle the food and I won't touch them either :)
So here's Lexi's teacher, Mrs. England, putting the birthday crown on Lexi. She has decided that she'll tell people she's 6 even though that doesn't really happen until Monday. And that's all I got for now. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!

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