Monday, November 9, 2009

Kendri's Box

So this is Kendri's "Holy Ghost box". You're probably wondering what that is. At church a few weeks ago, Kendri came running out of nursery to tell me she was holding the Holy Ghost. My first thought was the lesson in nursery must have gone south for the day, but then she showed me her box. I still wasn't sure what lesson had been taught but I was anxious to get home and have some lunch so instead of investigating I just listened to Kendri ramble on about how she now "could hold the Holy Ghost." I knew whatever she had learned had really, REALLY excited her.

When we got to Gammi's house (Ryan's parents) she ran in to tell Gammi all about it. I decided I had better explain a little bit more about the Holy Ghost seeing how my 3 year old was convinced it was now in her pocket. So I kept trying to get her to understand that the box she got in nursery was not actually the Holy Ghost but it was a way to help her understand what the Holy Ghost was. Inside the box was a little message, "Kendri, you can't see the love in this box but it is there and it is real. It is like the Holy Ghost, you can't see him but he's real." As Gammi and I tried different approaches to get her to understand a pretty difficult concept for a toddler, she kept saying "I know. You can't see him but you can FEEL him." To which I would say "That's right. You feel a warm tingly feeling when you feel the Spirit."
So Kendri carried this box around with her all the time for while. She would tell everyone about it. And I'll admit there was some questionable "doctrine" being taught by her, but I figured I'd give her a little more time and then we'd try explaining it again.
Okay, fast forward 2 weeks....
I heard one of my children stumbling around at 3 in the morning. So I layed in bed waiting to see which one would show up. I figured it would be Kendri since Lexi is usually quieter. Sure enough, Kendri came running in out of breath.
"Mom! I have the Holy Ghost with me! I REALLY, really do! I promise! It's in my hand! It really is!" (All of this is said in a whispered shout).
I said, "Okay, Kendri. Climb into bed with me." I was hoping she would calm down so we could all go back to sleep, but she wasn't finished. She kept talking in her breathless whisper-shout,
"My hand is all tingly and that means the Holy Ghost is in it! It really does! I really have it in my hand!" My first thought was she had found her box and was carrying it. But then she said, "My hand is all tingly and that means it has the Holy Ghost!"
I was confused at first but then it dawned on me. Her hand was asleep. So, being the good mother that I am, I told her that was awesome and to go back to sleep. I decided that it was a lesson best saved for the morning. I was way too tired to get into that conversation again.