Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Softball and Haircuts......and a BIG Joke

Softball season is in full force! Lexi and Kendri are both playing softball and Kyson is playing baseball.  Between all of the practices and games, we usually have to get someone to something every night of the week and we usually have 3 games on Saturday.  To say it's time consuming would be an understatement!

But I have to say, there is nothing cuter than these little 5 and 6 year olds in their baseball uniforms! Everyone is doing really well this year and it's been fun to watch their games. 

On to other news.....We randomly hit the perfect day to get haircuts.  Unbeknownst to me, there was a big special going for kids haircuts and I just happened to call when it was going on.  Ten dollar haircuts at the salon for everybody! I was just going to take Lexi since she was ready to go back to her short hair do, but at that price I decided Kendri and Shayli might as well get a trim too.  I thought Shayli would enjoy her haircut since she loves to have me trim her hair.  I was wrong. She was petrified that they would cut off all her beautiful hair.  She hated it.  I'm surprised we even got her to sit through it.  Oh well!

Kendri enjoyed hers much more.  She and Lexi loved the hair wash and head massage best!  And for some reason I didn't get a picture of Lexi getting her hair cut.  Probably because there were about 5 stylists standing around watching the one stylist cut her A line.  Anyway. You'll see her new 'do in the next post I guess.

Here we are at 31 weeks.  Making progress and still growing!  I've been doing different pregnancy workouts and I really feel like they have benefited me this time around.  Lots of squats and lunges as well as some ab and lower back workouts.  They are all focused on making for an easier delivery.  I guess we'll find out!

And while we are it.....April Fool's Day wasn't too far back.  And little did I know that my two oldest children had quite the trick up their sleeves!  Ryan and I heard them moving around upstairs super late (like 9:45).  This is what we found when we went up to investigate.  Notice poor little Kyson's painted fingernails? Apparently we sleep like the dead around here.

Needless to say, I was NOT going to let them wake up with all that marker on their faces for a couple of reasons.
1.)  I didn't want to have to deal with the meltdowns that were sure to follow
2.) I didn't want the marker to stain so badly overnight that it wouldn't scrub off for school the next day

So I scrubbed their faces while they slept (and they didn't wake up???) and in the morning you could still see traces of the joke.  They were not amused but Lexi and Kendri thought it was hilarious!  After one more scrub down, we were able to eliminate the mustaches and eyebrows and there was no harm done.

 I have to admit, it was pretty funny.  For revenge, Kyson and I bought some oreo's (Kendri's weakness) and smeared toothpaste on the frosting.  She bit down and screamed "mint oreo's????" and then spit it out.  Lexi took a bite of hers and decided it was tasty.  Until Kyson told her she was eating toothpaste.  And then she spit hers out too!  I can only imagine what next year will bring.....eek!

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