Friday, October 18, 2013

Kyson's Football and Bribery

Flag football is officially underway.  Kyson is playing on the 4-6 year old team with his cousin Carson.  They are having a blast.....I think.  Okay I'll admit it, there are days when Kyson does not want to go to practice.  And there are practices that I have to threaten him with the unimaginable to make him get off the playground and go back and listen to his coaches.  But overall, I'd say it's an improvement from T-ball. (Something I like to think of as Torture-ball.)
 Anyhoo, Kyson's team has been doing awesome and actually winning all of their games.  Which is a nice change for this Reese family.  I'm pretty sure we've never been on the winning team.  For any of our sports.  It's kinda fun.  And takes me back to my competitive days and reminds me why I like to win. ;)

Kyson has scored two touchdowns so far.  He loves it.  He feels special.  And it's exciting for us as the parents!  He's the littlest and youngest on the team so it's fun to watch him outrun (barely!) the boys chasing him.

The other day Kyson came to me with a fistful of money and shoved it in my face.

"Here, mommy.  Take my money."

me: "I don't want your money.  I have my own. You keep that in your piggy bank."

Kyson: "No, really mama.  I want you to have it.  All of it."

me: "I'm not taking your money."

Kyson: "YES! I want you to.  I owe you money."

Me: "For what?"

Kyson: "For my badness.  I owe you money for my badness.  Because I've been bad."

Me thinking: Hmmm.  He's right.  Maybe I should take his money and teach him a lesson. "Okay fine. Give me your money."

Kyson nodding his head solemnly: "Yeah mama.  Take it.  And I have more.  LOTS more.  For when I'm bad again."

Me, starting to realize where this was going: "Ahem.  Kyson (insert meaningful mother stare down) You know you can't be bad on purpose and then just give me money.  It doesn't work that way.  You can't pay your way out of trouble."

Kyson, eyes darting around.  "Ummm, yeah."

I still took the money.  Someone needs to teach that boy a lesson and I hope this one sticks.  But probably not.  Orneryness is hard to get rid of.......just ask his dad.  ;)

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHA please be sure that Uncle Philluplup reads this. I'm fairly certain he did the same thing.
