Friday, July 12, 2013

Summer Activities

So what have we been doing to keep ourselves busy this summer, you ask?  Well Kyson has been learning to swim without floaties!  Probably has something to do with the fact that swimming has become our new religion.  Eat it, live it, breathe it.  And while we would love to keep our crazy dolphin-like lives, we have had to take a few breaks.  Lexi and Kendri's arms and shoulders and thighs started to dry out pretty bad.  And when I say pretty bad, that's being gentle.  Their skin started breaking open and they had little scabs covering their shoulders and thighs.  Ew. So I mandated a few days off to allow some healing to take place.

We have also been shopping. Ok fine.  Stop berating me!  I'll tell you what I found already.  Sheesh.  Patent red high heels.  The perfect color, fit and height. And price!  They were on clearance at Macy's for $36.  Of course I didn't say no.  But I also didn't take a pic.  You'll have to use your imagination......

No, we did not let Kyson buy this ensemble.  Although he was pretty sure if he wore this we could get anything we wanted out of anybody! Sing it New Kids on the Block!  I don't know why that band popped into my head but it did.

And we found this at the stinky reptile store where we spent almost an hour goggling over the disgustingly large reptiles that lived there.

We found a new (new to us anyway) fun park in Murphy's.  It has huge  coverings above it to keep it shaded.  It was so nice.  And it's right by a little river.

Kyson lost a fingernail.  Apparently this particular pinky fell victim to Shayli and a nerf sword.  Need I say more?

And because we've had to take an unwanted 2-week break from swimming, we've had to get creative at Gammi's house.  This kept the kids busy for at least 4 days.  And then we had to clean it up.

And here is why we were on an 2-week break from swimming.  Shayli had her surgery to get her congenital nevus removed.  No swimming!  Doctor's orders.  Shayli did awesome!  Although she looks mad here because we had to force her to take her "happy juice" after she spit it all out on the first attempt.  She got over it fast.....that happy juice makes you a little loooooopy!  

Getting ready to go in!

 And here is what it looks like now.  We have another surgery in September. They couldn't remove the whole thing in one surgery because of the size and location.  There isn't enough extra skin on the calf.  This is about half the size it was originally.  Everything is healing up really nice and Shayli hasn't seemed bothered by it all!  She's one tough cookie!

1 comment:

  1. July 12th? Really, July 12th, is the last time you posted anything. I keep wondering what the heck you are doing, just sitting around???? I'm tired of checking your blog and finding NOTHING! Mom
