Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Shayli Turns Two!

 Shayli is officially into the terrible two's!  Uh oh.  Actually I feel like we've been in the terrible twos for the last 6 months....;).  We had a very low key birthday party for her.  Unfortunately her birthday happened to fall the week before we were moving into the new house so there wasn't a lot of hoop-la.  I don't think she even noticed!

 Of course Kyson assumed she need help with her presents.  Check out that furtive glance to his daddy.

 We were down in Tracy for Sunday (Ryan's brother was put in the bishopric) and decided to make it a family party.  It was the day before her actual party but it worked out since Ryan wouldn't be around for her real birthday. Here's  all the cousins helping out with the treats!

 I was very lame on the birthday cake.  She got store bought cupcakes.  But let me tell you a little was the easiest birthday party ever! I must not allow this to become a tradition! ;)


At two Shayli is:

very independent
screams like a banshee when she feels necessary
talking like a champ
thinks she's super big
cute as a bug
loves to twirl my hair (and mean LOVES)
loves her siblings
almost as active as her big brother (I think he's teaching her stuff)
very rough and tumble
cries when "Bubba" goes anywhere without her

We love you, Shay-Shay!

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