Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Scrub, A-Dub, Dub

It all started on fall break......

Shayli had her doctor's appointment scheduled for the morning.  I had foolishly scheduled the appointment right during her nap time.  (Who doesn't like to take their cranky 15 month old to get shots right when they are supposed to be going down for their nap???)  So I was hoping she wouldn't wake up before 8, so I could still possibly salvage the nap time by just putting her down a little later.

Anyway, I misjudged the time that morning.  I was busy trying to help the other kids get ready and do a little cleaning while Shayli slept.  When she did finally wake up, I realized I wasn't showered or dressed and now Shayli needed to go through the same routine I had just taken the rest of the kids through......breakfast, dressed, and teeth brushed....eh, er teeth brushed

This is where it starts to get good.  As I was rushing through my morning, I spun around to use the toilet and had to stop myself.
Why was there toothpaste smeared all over the toilet seat?  I let out a tiny squeak as I thought back to 15 minutes earlier......

 I had grabbed the toothpaste and slathered it on my own toothbrush.  And only briefly considered why the toothpaste tube might be soaked.  After all, it wasn't totally unusual.   Toddlers liked to put almost anything under running water.  I continued on with my teeth scrubbing.  Never thinking twice about it.  Until that very moment.

At that point, I took a few precious moments as a horrible realization began to dawn on me. 

Toothpaste.  Toilet. 


And then panic set in.  I frantically began looking anywhere and everywhere for clues to explain what had just happened.  And to my horror I found more.  Like the toothpaste that wasn't only on the toilet seat but was also splattered inside and under the rim of the toilet.  (I may have dry heaved a little upon this discovery.)  My brain could only process one thought. 


Questions flowed through my mind, "Was the bottom of the tube the only thing wet?"  Nope.  I vividly remembered water spilling from the top of the lid.  "How tightly was the lid screwed on?"  Didn't have a clue.  "Was the toothpaste in any way......runny?"  Now I was just grasping at straws.  I feared the answer to that particular question was a watery yes.

I couldn't ask the kids because they had just walked up to the neighbors who was going to watch them while I was taking Shayli to the doctor.  I had only my imagination left to soothe me.  Which wasn't much because each possible scenario I came up with only ended with the same result.  Me, brushing my teeth with nasty toilet water.  My one consolation was, I had just cleaned the toilet the day before.  Which didn't help much as I reflected over the use the toilet endured in one days time.  I briefly considered rinsing with Clorox but my better judgement quickly took over.

So instead, I did the only thing I could.  I smiled brightly and left for the doctors. 


  1. Oh my gosh! That is terrible. I would have gone one step farther and threw up. That's hilarious...probably cause it didn't happen to me.

  2. Considered it an immunity strengthening practice. No colds after that!
