Monday, June 13, 2011

Catch Me If You Can!

My two -year old is driving me nuts. I think he may be the one to send me into labor next month. Because I will either be chasing him down the street/parking lot/store or because my blood pressure will be so high it will be unhealthy and therefore spiral into contractions. Either way, I'm sure Kyson will be a part of it.

Wanna know what I woke up to this morning. Kendri begging, "Kyson, please stop! You have to stop feeding the chickens! You are making a mess!"

Chickens? What the....I dragged myself out of bed. Then I hear Lexi, "Kyson stop! You are wasting the whole box of cereal!" I should have been running at this point, but I think subconsciously I knew I didn't want to know what was going on. I was buying myself a few precious moments of sanity to start my day.

Downstairs. Half of the living room and half of the kitchen is covered with "chicken food". (Bok! Bok!) Or more commonly known as Rice Krispies. Covered. With very little carpet showing. I just stared at the mess. Luckily for Kyson the feeding had come to an end and he was sitting "innocently" on the coffee table. Poor little Kendri had the broom out and was attempting to clean up the monstrous mess. I should've taken a picture. But the blood pressure was on the rise. It took 45 minutes to clean up. During which Kyson continued to torment and destroy. I finally had to lock him in his room (don't judge) just to finish cleaning. And I use "finish" loosely, because I most certainly still had messes to clean.

Just to round out the terror that he is capable is a small list of what he's been up to in the last month.

1. He hangs over the railing of our second floor balcony. As in his stomach is on the rail and his head is dangling above the tile entry way just waiting to come crashing to the floor.

2. He went out to the garage and climbed on top of the Highlander. As in the roof of the car, not just the hood. (Big no-no from daddy)

3. He grabbed a carton of eggs from the refrigerator in the garage and proceeded to "egg" the house, side yard, and inside the garage. (No picture of that either. Blood pressure was on the rise again.)

4. He finds all hidden candy/cookies and helps himself whenever I am trying to get ready for the day. I have no hiding spots left. (And death to the person who mentions I should just stop buying sweets! :)

5. He walked out of Ryan's parents front door and wandered down the street. I don't even know how long he was gone. When we realized he wasn't playing with his sisters we started searching. Luckily, there was a swing that caught his eye about a half a block down the street. We found him swinging away!

Really, I could go on. The toilet, the mad breaks for freedom, the entertaining for anyone and everyone. This is just a small list. And it is mainly for me to look back on later in life and just be grateful that he survived his childhood. (Assuming he does.) But even with all the headaches and panic-stricken moments, I can't say I'd change him. He is unique and I love him!


  1. Please don't let Kyson talk to Jace. It could mean the end for both of us.

  2. Maybe it's good that u r having a girl ;)

  3. Oh Heather--I shouldn't be laughing but your post is just so dang funny! Maybe it's because I have one just like him--well close anyway. I think Kyson has Joseph beat. But at any rate--I feel for you!!! You're right though--you just can't help but love them anyway!
