Thursday, June 30, 2011

37 and a Half

Today was my doctor's appointment. I am now on the weekly schedule and I do believe I won't be cancelling any more appointments. I cancelled one last week because I decided going to the Jelly Belly Factory was far more important than being poked and prodded. :) (What can I say? I had a hankering for Sunkist Fruit Gems.)

Notice how excited I look to be taking my picture? I always feel weird taking a picture by myself. I couldn't seem to mold my face into something close to normalcy so I just stopped trying.....and yes, I look tired. Oh well! It's going to get worse before it gets better!

Anyway the stats are in......I've gained a total of 20 lbs so far. This is the least amount of weight I've gained at this point with any of my pregnancies. I'm not sure what the the difference is, but I have a theory. The first one is, Kyson. I run around with him so much that perhaps I'm just burning up those calories. The second theory is that none of the major food holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter) are a part of my third trimester this go around. Whatever the reason is, I'll take it!

The baby is head down but not fully turned yet. There is no "business" going on as of yet. My doctor wanted to talk to me about when the "right" time to come to the hospital is. He said not to come in unless my water breaks, I'm bleeding, or I have contractions every 5 minutes for an hour. I told him the last time I went by those guidelines, I was dilated to 10 cm by the time I got to the hospital. So he threw in an exception.....if I think there is something going on, I can come in. ;) Everything looks good so far! Now we just wait.....Come out, come out wherever you are!

1 comment:

  1. Is it just me, or has my green shirt paled considerably since you've had it??!!!
