Thursday, December 11, 2014

Polar Express!

This year we were lucky enough to get tickets for the Polar Express.  This is a very coveted event.  One that sales out within hours of tickets going on sale.  In fact, I've missed out on it for years due to amateur mistakes.  

But no more, people.  No more.  

The general rule is, you can only buy 8 tickets at a time.  So if you have a group, you'd better figure out a way to have everyone buying at the same time.  Our group was 20 family members.  Also, there are no guarantees that there will even be tickets available after "members" get first dibs at it.  So, after taking all this into consideration, we decided to pull every move in the book and keep our fingers crossed. And now I have to say it.........put  me in the "expert" category, because we did the impossible and rented out an entire car to ourselves!!  Woot!Woot!

And not just any car.  The Parlour Car.  (Just let me spell it the old-fashioned way without judging. The Polar Express deserves every magical touch there is......)  Chances are, you won't have any idea what that means. I didn't.  And then I went on the train and I saw.  Let me just say this , the Parlour Car is the way to go.  The End.

Anyhoo, back to our big night.  We were worried that our evening might get cancelled due to heavy rains, flooding and "hurricane winds".  (Which never happened by the way.  The winds that is.)  There was plenty of rain and minor flooding  going on, but overall it just added to the ambience of the night.  We started the night off with a quick dinner in the quaint section of Old Town Sacramento.  It is really a cute little area with a lot of old town charm.   

I must say, the pizza was mediocre at best.  But they served us quick and the place was empty when we first arrived.  

All the cousins joined us soon after we ordered and we had quite the party.  I think they were happy to get rid of all the pajama clad kids.  We were all running with high energy!

We had about 20 minutes before we had to board the train so we decided to stroll down the covered sidewalks check out some stores.  

Of course the candy store had to be investigated!

The atmosphere was really fun and magical......the homemade candy was not.  Again, the food left something to be desired.  It certainly wasn't See's candy!

When we got to the Train Station, our line was completely empty and we just headed straight for the front of the line.  One of the perks of the Parlour Car.  Actually a perk of having the entire car to ourselves!

The golden tickets that got us on the train!  They punched a "PE" on it when we boarded.

Here we are heading to our train car. There were lots of conductors and train people all dressed up and waving to everyone.  They helped us on the train and held umbrellas for us.  Everyone was very helpful and cheerful. 

The first order of business was the serving of hot chocolate and cookies.  They got to the good stuff right away!  It was all you can drink hot chocolate and they came around a couple of times with extra cookies.

I think the kids all had their fair share of hot chocolate.  In fact, I cut my kids off after 2 helpings.  There were no bathrooms aboard the train.  Not even the Parlour Car could help you out.

 While we were sipping our chocolate, we were entertained with tap dancers tapping to the "hot, hot, chocolate" song.  I know you don't want to hear it, but I'll say it anyway.  Only the Parlour Car got the show.

 And only the Parlour Car had the nice comfortable seating.  We walked through the other car to the Observation Deck, and let me tell you, there's no going back to regular tickets.  Uh-Uh. No way.
It was more like Grey Hound status versus Carnival.  I'll take Carnival please.

The train ride takes you down a few miles (going really quite slow so it takes about 30 minutes) and after all the hot chocolate and such, the train helpers hand out Polar express books to everyone and then they read it over the intercom and everyone follows along. (Unless you're in the Parlour Car.  Then you just party because you aren't disturbing anyone with all your walking around and chatting.)

After the books ended, we watched outside as we passed the North Pole.  It was cute.  We saw Santa's workshop and the elves all working.  Everyone waved and had a good time.  I couldn't get any pictures because the window was reflecting too much.  You stay on the train the whole time.  But after you pass the North Pole, a special visitor hops on board.......

And then it's visiting with Santa!  (Unless you're on the "loser car".  Then he just walks right past you and heads to the Parlour Car.)
Santa came on and handed out Believe Bells to everyone.  See how everyone is ringing their bell?  We all believe!

And remember the ghost hobo from the book?  The one on top of the train?  He came to visit too.  He came once in his hobo clothes and then again trying to get us to believe in his Santa get-up....we weren't fooled for a second!  We had a great time and everyone loved it!

                                                          Who wants to go next year??

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