Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz..........

Can you guess what we are???? My kids hadn't actually seen the Wizard of Oz until the week before Halloween. I sort of planned it for them thinking it would be fun and fairly easy to pull together. ButI had shown them pictures of the main characters on the internet. After they actually saw the movie, they were hooked!

Here we are carving pumpkins. We didn't actually carve our big pumpkin (big pumpkin #2 that didn't grow nearly as big as our first one :( We sort of just ran out of time. And it's not really ripe yet. Because it was a late bloomer. So now it's just still growing without a cause.....


Most of our celebrating took place on Saturday where we managed to make it to two Halloween parties. The first was at Gammie's ward where she masterminded the show! What a hit! It was set up like a carnival. And we won 10 goldfish. Hooray! Only 6 of them currently swim. The girls L-O-V-E-D it. Their cousins were there and I must say they were so busy winning fish that they hardly ate any candy. When we got home I told them we had to brush their teeth extra good because of all the sugar they had eaten and Kendri said, "Mommy, I only ate one sucker." Oh. I made her brush extra good anyway!
Then we made it to our own ward activity just in time for Trunk-or-Treating and dancing. My kids sure like to shake it! We were there for another hour. We partied hard and now I'm glad it's over! Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. sweet costumes. one of these days i need to get myself an entourage so that i can dress up in group costumes. ha ha ha.

    um, and i loved that you thought i was pregnant on my blog. let's just say that i'm so glad i was not... because 1. i have no man and 2. i certainly did not enjoy any activity that would produce a child. just sayin. :)

