Thursday, July 1, 2010

Summer Lovin'

So we're officially half-way through our summer vacation. That's right. We start school at the end of July (sniff.) But....since we're not there yet I thought I'd share some of our summer fun so far! Lexi and Kendri are in an art class in Moke Hill. Here are just a few of the things they've got to do.....Kendri painting the mural. The finished project will hang in their library.

Lexi really liked this project. She spent quite a bit of time working on her portion. When she finished one part they'd give her another area to work on. Most of the kids got tired but she just kept painting.

This was one of their first projects. It was a wind sock.
They hung them in our backyard when we got home. And they're still there. Actually only half of Lexi's has survived. We got some rain a few days after they hung them out there. Rain and crepe paper don't really mix well :)
They have also made clay sculptures, learned how to make paper, participated in a puppet show, and done water color paintings.

And this is what Kyson and I do while the girls are creating masterpieces......we wander around talking to stray dogs. All right, they're not really strays. Mokelumne Hill is a country town that still lets their dogs run free. Apparently this particular canine is considered the "communtiy dog". He shows up to most community functions.
Anyway, Kyson loves dogs. Loves. Them. All. He calls them "woof-woofs". There seems to be a pleuthra of them around so he's really gotten quite brave. (You know, considering we don't own a pet unless you count Sharky, our beta fish. Which I do. He is our pet and he gets me out of owning anything that requires more responsibility than tossing in a few flakes every now and then. Thank you Sharky, for living so easily.)
So yes. I follow Kyson around to visit the dogs that are nearby. Or I chase Kyson as he makes a beeline for Main Street. Or I grab him just as he's destroying some child's art project. Or we wander around calling for the woof-woofs who are hiding. One of us loves it. And one of us needs a nap after art class.
We've also been swimming. I've been trying to get the kids to the pool more this year so that they can learn to swim better. I've been dreading taking 3 small children to the pool because none of them can swim. That's a lot of stress trying to keep them all above water! Luckily one of the families in our ward has a pool and has let us come over everyday this week. It's a smaller pool and their teenage daughter swims with us so I have some help. The good news is Lexi has improved by leaps and bounds just going these last few days. I finally can say she's swimming! Whooohooo! She's very proud of herself to say the least. It was a fear she really had to overcome. And then there's been the library activities, play dates, church functions.....Whew....I'm tired just thinking about all we've been doing! So to say the least, we're getting everything we can out of this summer vacation!


  1. Jace loves the woof woofs too - or I should say Jace loves to cry when the little woof woofs are around. Too much sniffing I think.

  2. wish i had a summer vacation!! sounds so fun...
