Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Window Pains

I washed my windows last week. Can't you tell?

They were perfect. In fact, my pride and joy.....if only for a mere 3 days. (Do you feel my pain yet?) I'm not sure what it is about a sparkling window. Perhaps the illusion that air is the only thing separating indoors from outdoors. And then a Must-Touch-Just-To-Verify-Reality ensues. Poke, poke. Maybe the exhilartion of creating your own mural using only handprints. My personal opinion on the matter is neither.

I think the thrill of destruction is intoxicating.

Give them a taste and they're hooked. Ask my children, I'm sure they'd agree. I mean, why else would they insist on dirtying everything I clean? Even my smallest guy is affected. Give him access to a toy box and what does he do? I can tell you what he doesn't do. He doesn't paw through the toys and choose the one he wants to play with. Nope. He dumps it. The whole thing.

Every time.


1 comment:

  1. I'm just surprised you got a whole 3 days out of your window washing. I usually 3 minutes.
