Wednesday, February 7, 2018

My Lil' Dexton

Dexton has been full of unexpected surprises lately......I would be considered a naive parent if I told you that I had visions of completing motherhood on a high note. Now.  I realize motherhood is an eternal calling. And I'm not encompassing Eternity in this sentence.  At least I hope not.  I'm talking about capping off the infant/toddler stage with cherry on top.  A "hallelujah! we're done and we've done an excellent job" kind of mentality.  Leaving on a high note, if you will.  That was my vision when I embarked on baby #5.  This is not quite the way it has been working out for me.  I love my little Dexton.  But he has come with many personality traits that I did not expect.  Not bad ones.  More like stubborn ones.  Which still isn't quite accurate because all of my children have been stubborn in their own way.  And now is a good time to mention that it is quite possibly not Dexton.  It could be ME that has changed.  I do not have the patience I used to.  I'm tired.  Motherhood has dragged me through the muck and just as I was emerging and felt good again I jumped into pregnancy #5.  So most of this has to do with me and a different stage of life that I am currently in.  Now I've been side-tracked about my original intent of writing this post.  So back I go!

This morning as I was making my bed, I had my little helper waiting for me to go to the kitchen to make him some oatmeal.  As Dexton waited, he started to sing a made-up song.  I heard him and smiled to myself.  What a sweet little boy I have! And then I started to listen to my 2 and half year old......was he singing about punching someone???  He clearly was.  I hastily jumped in and reminded him that punching was not nice but loving people was nice.  Try singing about love, I instructed.  And so he changed his tune.  It immediately became a song about how he loved people.  But more specifically how he loved PUNCHING people.  Ack!!!  I stopped trying then

and just went to make him so oatmeal.  We'll keep working on his song lyrics......

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