Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Few Memories from March....

I hate to brag.  But I will.  My white chili is da-bomb.  As proven in this picture where I took home the coveted Silver-Ladle from our ward chili cook-off.  (I think it should be called the Golden-Ladle but then that would require some spray paint.)  Anyhoo,  my record for chili cook-offs is currently two for two. But who's counting? ;)  

I managed to spot Kyson right before he tried this daring stunt.  Riding two electric scooters at the same time.  Anyone else foresee broken teeth? I'm actually pretty impressed that he's balancing on them.  It takes some coordination.......And Shayli and Kendri are just cute so I threw the picture of them in too. ;)

And this is what happens when you think you can take a 15 minute shower.  Someone sniffs out the Oreos. And only eats the cream.  Shayli and Kyson.  At least they put the cookies back in the container just in case someone else might be on the cookie side.  Ahem. The cookies they licked, that is.

And Shayli was having too much fun at the park to bother with the toilet.  And then she realized that sitting down with wet pants was not fun either.  This was how we managed to get home.

Kyson surprised me with a bouquet of  "flowers". He must be learning from his daddy!

We've been enjoying spring and we couldn't let this pretty tree turn green before we got a quick picture of it!
It's actually our neighbors tree but we get to enjoy it since it hangs over our backyard fence.........

And ps, where has March gone?????  Talk about how time flies!

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