Friday, September 21, 2012

Let's Talk Life

Some happenin's in the last few months.....

Shayli is a pro walker now.  Actually, she walks all the time but is still a little wobbly.  I call her my Lil' Drunken Sailor. 

Lexi has started training as goalie for soccer.  She seems to like it. (Probably because there is not as much running involved.) She also has a chronic ankle problem.  And can't run.  Fake or real?  I'm still figuring that one out.

Kendri has been practicing with her own team and then when her practice ends she runs over to Lexi's practice and plays for another hour.  Lexi's coach likes to have her play and Kendri feels pretty cool. :)

Kyson has been practicing his jumps on his scooter.  He just had a major wipe out.  He tried 3 little hops in a row and on the last one he fell.  And then proceeded to bounce and barrel-roll.  He knocked his mouth on the way and ended up with a fat lip.  But no broken bones!  Just a few chipped teeth.  The picture doesn't really do it justice.

Ryan and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary on Labor Day.  I gave him a car.

Just kidding.  Sort of.  He did get a new car - a Honda Accord.  But it wasn't just because I am a rockin' wife.  Which I am.  In case there was any question.  It was because his Civic finally died on us.  There was something like 298,000 miles on it.  It's been all over the country with us.  Colorado, Utah, Georgia, California.  It was time to say good-bye.

I started a new routine so I can be slim and trim.  It has lots of different plank workouts so I can firm up my core and flatten my tummy. (The picture of the girl, who wrote the routine, is on the beach holding a volleyball.  In her bikini.  With her six-pack.  I tell myself she has no children, much less four.  It's how I cope.)  Anyhoo, I borderline hate her it.  It hurts.  And I still can't do the full workout. And I still don't have a six-pack.

Shayli has started sleeping through the night!  Woot!  Woot!  At a mere 14 months we are halfway there.  I still get up 50% of the time but we are making progress!  And no teeth, yet.  I know you were wondering.  I'm starting to wonder if perhaps she is just uber-efficient and has decided to skip the whole baby teeth thing.  She's prolly just going to jump right into permanent teeth.  Miss smarty pants.

I got some new Coach sunglasses.  And my vision insurance paid for them!  I know.  I hate me too.  Apparently there are perks to getting vision correction surgery.  I now have an allotted amount of moo-la (that would normally go toward contacts or eyeglasses)  to put toward designer sunglasses!  Every year.  Thank you, VSP.  (I am in mourning realizing I have had these same benefits for the last 5 years and this is the first year I have actually used them.  Imagine all of the awesomeness that has just gone to waste!)
I've been a bit under the weather lately.  I missed church a few weeks ago.  Three people asked Ryan if I was pregnant.  Not to break any hearts, but the answer is no.  It does bring me to one of three conclusions.

1.  People think I can actually handle 5 kids. (hahahahaha)
2.  They assume if I did go for 5, now is the time I would do it????    OR
3.  I look pregant.  Which is why I continue to suffer through my plank workout.

And for the record, I have never missed church (or anything for that matter) because of first trimester yuckiness.  Can't a girl get sick once in awhile?

Lexi and Kendri love Taylor Swift.  LOVE.  Tonight after soccer practice Lexi plopped her little self down in the passenger seat, threw on my old sunglasses and proceeded to belt out Taylor Swift.  It was a little glimpse of what the teenage years will bring.....I guess I'm on board whether I like it or not!

And one last thing.

Ryan showed me this article.  I literally almost died laughing.  I haven't laughed that hard since the Chicago trip.  (I'll just say this, there was a Rice Krispy Treat, a male flight attendant and two twins involved.  But that's for another time.)  Anyway, tears were rolling down my cheeks and Ryan was dumbfounded.  He kept asking why I was crying.  I couldn't answer due to the lack of oxygen to my brain.  Ahhh, laughter really is the best medicine!



  1. oh my gosh! hilarious! i just spit my food out it was so funny!

  2. I'm trying to figure out what happened on the Chicago trip....did you get two rice krispie treats?
