Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thirty and a Day

So, I have now officially been 30 for a day. (And so has my twin, Amber. Happy B-day to her). I must say, I don't feel any different but I do have to admit there is a small part of me that DOES NOT want to say I am in my thirties. But as I told my husband, even though his twenty-something wife is gone at least his new "hag" is still medium foxy. You know, for having 3 kids and never getting any sleep at night. (That can be wearing ;)

All right, let's talk about the big day....I woke up to two little cuties running into my room singing "Happy Birthday" to me. What good little girls to remember their mommies birthday! :) Then I worked in the kindergarten class all morning where Lexi told all of her friends it was my birthday. I got lots of big wishes from little ones. Ryan managed to take half the day off so he was home by noon. Lucky me! We went to Round Table for dinner where I got my own personal gourmet veggie pizza and the rest of the family got boring old pepperoni. Then off to home for presents and cake!
Lexi and Kendri got me "Bumpits". Anyone ever heard of them? (Well, if you ever watched info-mercials you wouldn't be in the dark). Lexi is totally into info-mercials. She sees them Saturday morning and thinks everything on them is FANTASTIC. (I think she's going to ask for a toothpaste dispenser for attaches to the bathroom mirror and dispenses the "perfect" amount of toothpaste. And no mess! She can't stop talking about it.) So, back to the "Bumpits". They go under your hair and poof it. Imagine ratting the back of your hair for height (something I've never done). Well, these bad boys make it easy for that same look. We've been wearing them nonstop since I opened the box. (When I say "we" I'm talking about Lexi. She has one in her hair right now;) I thought I might get away with taking them back. No such luck. (Here's the picture of the "Bumpits" present)
Ryan got me some really cute boots. The only problem is they were 4 1/2 inch stilettos. No joke. I wore them around for cake and ice cream and then took them off when my calves started going numb and my feet were crying for mercy. (But I did manage to get a photo so I had proof that I actually wore 4 1/2 inch stilettos for a night.) See the picture below? Boots, bumpits and all! Can you tell I'm wearing the "bumpit?" It's a little hard to see in the picture. The dress was wrapped but it really wasn't a birthday present. I ordered it 2 months ago and it just happened to arrive on my b-day so I was trying it on with the boots. I asked Ryan to go a little shorter next time (the boots, not the dress!). Too bad. Overall, it was a great entry into a new decade! Here's to the thirties.....
PS If any of you care to take a walk down memory lane with Amber and me, visit her blog at Seriously in for a good time! And feel free to leave guesses about which twin is which!


  1. Girl you rock those boots! Too bad they hurt, they look really cute. Happy birthday!!!

  2. Happy Birthday! You look awesome in those boots and that dress. Maybe you can find a pair of boots that aren't quite as tall. Like I said on Amber's blog, how is it that we are all turning 30??? I swear we just turned 18. :) Ah well, here's to a great decade...

  3. Hello Hottie!!! Love those boots--I MUST know where they are from...PLEASE!!! Let me know--email me or leave a comment on my blog. Hope you had a FABULOUS b-day...I would have left you a comment on facebook but YOU AREN'T ON FACEBOOK! WHat the?? =) PS--I totally thought I rocked those pictures of you and Amber...apparently I missed the baby one. SO CLOSE! Love ya babe!

  4. Happy 30th to you (and Amber)! Sounds like you had a fun birthday and I love boots--10 years ago I would have sacrificed comfort for style but not now! That's so funny that Lexi is into infomercials, there must be something about that age because some of my friends' kids are the same way. :) But seriously, you look great! BTW, if 30 was rough just wait til 31. A much harder b-day for me!

  5. Speaking of infomercials.....have you seen the bendaroos? Bendawhoo? BENDAROOS!! Yes, that would be Abby's favorite thing of all time. By the way, Des is also into the bumpits- it must run in the family!

  6. Happy Birthday Heather. I love love love the boots.

  7. cute dress. the boots are cute too, but it's so hard having shoes you can only wear to church where you can sit most of the time! my personal favorite infomercial right now is the one where you plug in a little device that keeps the ants away. must get that one!
