Saturday, August 15, 2009

In my house....

1. I just got my baby to sleep after 40 minutes of pacing his bedroom floor. (My big toe has been numb ever since...maybe I was bouncing too much??? There's got to be an easier way)

2. I can hear the party going on at my neighbors' house. Which will mean that I will still hear them at 2:00 am.....again.

3. I'm wondering how long my bottom lip will be numb since I started talking before my liquid canker sore medicine fully dried. oops.(The canker sore is on my top lip:))

4. I'm making a mental note to call the juror's office on Monday to see if I can get out of jury duty. (Nursing totally has it's benefits!)

5. I really need to find some cute fabric to re-cover my couch pillows. The stuffing is hanging out and pulling on it has become a favorite past time of my 3 year old.

6. I could really use some ice cream right about now. Good thing I stocked up last week when it was on sale! "Very Cherry" has been my personal favorite for the last couple of years. YUM!

7. I'm hoping my new book is an "attention grabber"'s been awhile since I've had one of those. Any recommendations?

8. I'm thinking Lexi looked really cute for soccer pictures today...but the team banner was a total BUST! (I can't really say too much about it because I did not volunteer any ideas or offer to help......hmmm.)

9. I can still smell the enchilada's we had for dinner tonight. Mmmmm. I really planned ahead and made enough to freeze for another night down the road. Whooohooo!

And last but not least...

10. I'm dreaming of bed!


  1. i just read snow flower and the secret fan. very good. i'll let you borrow it next time i see you.

    you are such a nice mom to bounce and pace. very patient. i have to let them cry it out or i'll bounce them too hard ;)

  2. The Reese Family!! Good to see you. I found your blog from the Backus Family. You have cute kids. I'll have to now keep up on your blog! Take Care,
    Bryan & Shara Zollinger

  3. I loved this blog. Love to know what you're thing!
